We demand the best from ourselves in order to deliver the highest standards of accuracy, reliability and objectivity.
Over 20% of all analyses carried out at Indlab concerns monitoring and evaluation.
The results of our analyses help you on a day-to-day basis. They enable you to make informed commercial decisions which are of great importance to your company. We therefore subject our working practices to the control and supervision of higher organisms and institutions charged with monitoring the quality of our work through external audits and participation in collaborative analyses, during which our analytical precision is measured against other laboratories of national and international stature.
We understand that before analysing the quality of your oil, we too must hold ourselves to high standards. Thanks to our understanding of analytical practice, we have achieved top awards, certifications and recognitions, with our quality control system having been officially certified, and our sensory analysis systems and other determinations approved under Annex I of the Regulation (UE) 2022/2015. The road to excellence is never-ending.
- Regulation (UE) 2022/2104 and 2022/2105 approved
- Recognised by the IOC
- Official Control Panel
- ISO9001 Quality Control System
Our guarantees
We are accredited by ENAC, under the UNE-EN-ISO 17025 standard, for the determination by official methods of all the parameters included in Annex I of the Regulation (UE) 2022/2105.
See technical scope of the accreditation
We have the recognition of the IOC, both for our tasting panel and our physical-chemical laboratory.
See IOC listings: laboratories and panels
Our tasting panel is authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture for the official quality control of olive oil.
See the list of authorised tasting panels
We work under a quality system implemented according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001: 2008 standard, certified by the Spanish Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR).
See the certificate awarded by AENOR and IQnet
Our facilities, equipment and technical personnel received permit No. 06-002 from the Regional Government of Extremadura.
Read the regional government’s permit.
Our tasting panel was placed among the 10 best in the world at the international event organised by the prestigious American Association of Oil Chemists (AOCS according to its English acronym).
Read the opinion of AOCS
We often carry out collaborative projects in conjunction with public and private laboratories in Spain, as well as in Italy, France, the United States, etc.
Indlab is a member of:
AELI (Spanish Independent Laboratories Association)
AEPAS (Spanish Association of Sensory Analysis Professionals)
FELAB (Association of Testing, Calibration and Analysis Organisations)
ACOFESAL (Association of Consultants and Trainers in Spain on Food Security)